"If someone didn’t have any pride, wouldn’t they also be lacking in self-confidence therefore, void of any sense of self worth? If someone was completely free of greed, wouldn’t they have trouble supporting their family or lacking in any sense of driving motivation? And if people didn’t envy one another, wouldn’t they stop inventing new things and ultimately stop progression?"


"Pride is way different from self confidence

Greed is different from motivation.

Envy is different from a dream.

Pride is something that inhibits someone to do the right thing because of incorrect self worth, but self confidence is doing the right thing because you are assured of your self and you accepted your strength and weaknesses. Greed is getting or working for something that you dont deserve and getting that in any way, even if it will lead you to evil. And greed is not the only motivation you can have to get something. You can be movitaed thru love, goal, dream, inspiration and more. And envy is not the only way to continue growing. there is thing thing called dream. envy is craving for what people or a specific people have. but dream is working for something that you dont have yet.. whether other people have or dont that thing. 

Never have pride, instead teach yourself selfworth. for pride will blind you from right and wrong while  selfworth will lead you to always do the right thing because you deserve to be good.

Never be greedy, instead be motivated the inspiration and love. for greed will only lead you to asking for more than what you deserve and inspiration will make you deserving for everything you want.

Never envy, instead, dream. for envy will limit you to what only other people have and

dreaming will push you more than what you thought you can do."

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