Its good to chew your food well first than eating it fast... if you chew your food slower you will be full with just a cup of rice... but if you just keep on swallowing everything up, even million spoonfuls of everything will never bloat you up...

LOVE IS like  FOOD. the more you chew it, the more you feel it, the more you are taking it slow, in no time it will make you feel so loved... so full... so contented.. but if you don't know how to chew your food, how to appreciate love, even if all the people around you loves you so much... YOU WILL NEVER BE HAPPY, YOU WILL FEEL VERY EMPTY, VERY HUNGRY..

Please start NOW!!. lets all chew our food slowly... lets all know how to love the right way... slowly.. correctly...

Its the healthiest thing you can do

If animals can chew it, can love and feel love..... yes we also can..

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