Real Connection

I was in an internet shop and we were all playing. It looked like we were having fun together. But  when I turned around, I said no, we were all in our own world. After a minute, the lights and computers turned off, its dark and we only have our phones' lights on.

That's the time we started talking, started real conversation, started having fun, seeing real smiles and happiness... that's the real network right their, in the real world, where you don't get likes, but smiles and laughs.. Right there!


I kept on asking myself why I always get shocked by anything I touch. Metals, people and recently even with woods and plastics. The shocks are strong that it can make me jump or shout. This already affected my daily living for in ER it is hard for me to get a non grounded ECG strip, taking vital signs will give me zaps and I literally has this little trauma of touching people. I now even look for the non metallic part of something for me to be safe from shocks like not anymore holding the knobs of doors or using the glass to pusha glassdoor instead of the metal part. I sometimes need to have a piece of clothe to cover microphones before I hold it. I also got this hobbit of touching metals with another part of my body before grabbing like siderails, faucets and others. 

I researched about it and I found out that there are several people in the world like me. We have this high BIOELECTRICITY which everyone has to keep their system going. But in our case, it is very high that we can disrupt and even destroy gadgets and electronic devices if we exudes strong emotions especially anger. People around me are witnesses and victims of my zaps. My patients were not exempted as well. But the good thing is that we can transfer these to people who have weak bioelectricity in their body.

Based on my research that people who have weak bioelectricity are those dying and sickly people, their bioelectricity are slowly diminishing that some of their organs cant function well which usually result to diseases and even death. That's why we defibrillate dying patients and we perform Electroconvulsive therapy to those psychiatric patients with severe cases and unresponsive to medication. Convulsions are also a manifestation of disrupted bioelectricity and those who can control their biolectricity can correct this.

We can also sense things around us that most people dont. Like what you see in movies and tv programs, gadgets using electricity are used to spot ghosts, spirits and other elements. And because we have high electricity content in our body, we can sense them and they react to us. That's right, the danger is that they can also sense us. We also have some ability that are not common to other people, some call is ESP for the extra electricity we have means extra part of the brain functioning.

We can heal and feel, however we can also disrupt and destroy
Great power, comes with great responsibility.. ahahahahahahah

Break Up (original composition)

This is one of my original compositions. I am not good in playing guitar, actually I only know the basic chords. And because there are very limited songs that I can play, I decided to just create songs with basic chords. Break Up is one of the saddest in my compilation. It is about a love that only lasted for a short time. Love that might be true, but it should end for it is causing him too much pain. There are really love like this, incompatibility, wrong  timing and other reasons that will kill a love painfully. Sorry for the recording, I just recorded it using my laptop and I did not rehearse or prepared for it. I just recorded it once, then uploaded it. Hope you will like my music. Enjoy!


Success is not about how much money you have in your pocket, it is not about how high your position is in a company, nor how big many people are around you. Success is measured by happiness. Even you only have enough money in your pocket, or you are not a boss or have a small business or few people around, as long as you are doing things that makes you happy, then you are successful. More successful than people who are rich but lonely, than an executive but always been dreaming to paint, and than a celebrity but doesnt have true friend. Success is more of happiness from the contentment of what you have, from doing things that you love and from friends that dont need to be many but true!


I remembered that during the national election, some of the Filipinos are bullying Nancy Binay because they believe that she is not capable and qualified to be a senator. But the sad thing was they are making fun of her dark skin color: A darn color which we Filipino naturally have. It is like mocking her with one thing that we all have, and eventually like mocking ourselves and our natural complexion. I also dont like her to be a senator but lets not be too superficial. Do we really hate bullying? or we only hate to be bullied but we love bullying other people? Most of us have dark skin and that is something we should be proud of because other nationalities are willing to expose themselves to the high heat of the sun and risk to get cancer just to achieve our tan color. Did you notice that after we stop sending fair complexioned condidates for international beauty pageants and start sending and believing to the morena filipina beauty, we start also bagging titles and awards? It is just saddening that we Filipinos are still very superficial. We love looking for other people's mistakes and imperfection but we never try to fix or accept ours.